Tuesday, June 10, 2014

SFBC News: New Times Two! San Jose Ave. Bikeway and Bike-Friendly Business District

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Biker Bulletin

June 10, 2014

Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/14/2014. Thank you for being a member!


Happy Pride Month! We’re hosting an Intro to Urban Bicycling Workshop for LGBTQ folks and allies on June 17. Register online today.

Healing the Bernal Cut: New San Jose Avenue Bikeway

San Jose Bernal CutEarlier this week, the SFMTA began construction on the much-awaited San Jose Avenue pilot project. The pilot, stretching from the I-280 off-ramp to Randall Street, creates a northbound buffered bike lane similar to the one that already exists on the southbound route, allowing people biking downtown to enjoy increased protection through the Bernal Cut. This project will reduce traffic speed and helps create a safer connection for the key north/south route of Connecting the City and closes a critical gap in the network. See more details here

This project is the result of years of community organizing – particularly from the College Hill Neighborhood Association – as well as the leadership of Supervisor Wiener and the support of Supervisors Avalos and Campos, bringing us closer to our vision of Connecting the City.

Last Week's Muni Service Delays Meant More People Biking

Did you notice more people biking last week? We sure did! The bike lanes were bustling as more people took to bicycles to avoid the Muni delays from the huge reduction in service. The Market Street bike counter showed a slightly higher than normal count, but it was bike lanes in the outer neighborhoods that were really bustling. On an ordinary day, Market Street averages about 2,800 trips inbound per day, and last week it topped more than 3,000. Unfortunately, with more people driving or taking rideshare, the bike counter was blocked by illegally parked cars more often, so we think that count is even higher than it showed. If you or someone you know started biking because of the Muni delays, we encourage you all to keep riding. Here’s everything you need to “get rolling” on a regular basis.

Welcome Brian, New Development Director 

BrianWe are excited to announce our latest addition to the SF Bicycle Coalition team: Brian Wiedenmeier, our new Development Director. Like most of our staff, Brian is a long-time SF Bicycle Coalition member and every day bike commuter. He has spent years championing bike projects and street improvements in his neighborhood of SoMa. He’s advocated for bike improvements on the streets at City Hall, helping us win crucial campaigns over the years. Before coming to the SF Bicycle Coalition, Brian headed up fundraising for other great local nonprofits, most recently as the Interim Development Director at ODC. Learn more about Brian and his work.

Upper Haight Complete Streets Planning on Wednesday, 6/11, 6PM

Since late 2012, the SF Planning Department has hosted a series of public meetings to develop a locally driven Haight-Ashbury Public Realm Plan. This plan will propose a series of road and streetscape improvements to make this vibrant neighborhood more comfortable and welcoming to all users, whether they are biking, walking or taking transit to their favorite destination.

The Planning Department will be holding their next workshop to do a deeper dive into the Haight Street proposals next week. This meeting will be an open house format, which gives you a chance to talk directly with representatives from Planning Department and the SFMTA. Read more here and take a look at their proposals.

Team Partycar.com Wins Team Bike Challenge...Again!

Huge congrats to the five-member Team Partycar.com for riding an awe-inspiring 7,490 miles to defend their San Francisco Team Bike Challenge title and place second throughout the Bay Area! Team Partycar.com competed in the category where each team has five team members. Winners of the company category, where each organization competes as its own unit, include Golden Gate National Parks, REI SF and Alexa Internet. More than 9,630 San Francisco Bay Area bike commuters pedaled over half a million miles in May. Team Bike Challenge is part of the annual Bike to Work Day program that happens during National Bike Month in May.

Still want to log your miles? This summer, we’re uniting 50,000 riders from across the country to ride 30 million miles. The National Bike Challenge is a fun and free game-changing event. You can easily log miles with Map My Ride, Moves or Edomondo!  Sign up on the SF Bicycle Coalition page.

Announcing San Francisco’s First Bicycle-Friendly Business District!

Yerba Buena Bicycle-Friendly Business DistrictThe SF Bicycle Coalition is excited to announce the launch of San Francisco’s first Bicycle-Friendly Business District in Yerba Buena! The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has partnered with neighborhood businesses and the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District to create the first San Francisco neighborhood promoting bicycling for work and play. As part of the first Bicycle-Friendly Business District, over 30 Yerba Buena companies are offering discounts, enhanced bike parking and/or supporting biking in the neighborhood through infrastructure campaigns or hosting bike events.

We’re celebrating the launch with a ride starting at the Cartoon Art Museum (655 Mission Street) Thursday, June 12 at 4:30PM and ending with tapas and drinks (free w/ purchase) at Thirsty Bear Brewing Company (661 Howard Street).


MEMBERS ONLY: Pride Parade
Sunday, June 29

Don’t miss your chance to show your “Byke Pride” by riding down Market Street with fellow members of the SF Bicycle Coalition in the Pride Parade! RSVP Required & Contingent Monitor volunteers needed.

Video: Crowdfunding the Bike Industry
CrowdfundingIn May, we packed the calendar with more than 140 (!) bike events. One of our many well-attended events was our panel discussion on crowdfunding the bike industry, with local bike startups who successfully launched off of Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Have an idea for a bike project that you’d like to get off the ground? Watch this video for tips from the local pros.


Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

Tuesday, June 10

Transportation 2030: District 3 Open House *
6:30-8:00PM | Betty Ann Ong Chinese Recreation Center, 1199 Mason St.

Wednesday, June 11

Volunteer Night
5-8PM | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St., 10th Floor

Haight-Ashbury Public Realm Open House *
6-8PM | Park Branch LIbrary, 1833 Page St.

Thursday, June 12

Bart Board Meeting *
9-11AM | BART Board Room, 344 20th St., 3rd Floor, Oakland

Yerba Buena Bicycle-Friendly Business District Launch Ride!
4:30-5:30 PM | SF Bicycle Coalition, 833 Market St., 10th Floor

Transportation 2030: District 9 Open House *
6-7:30 PM | The Women's Building, 3543 18th St.

Parking: A Temporary Problem? *
6-7:30 PM | SPUR, 654 Mission St.

Saturday, June 14

Paradise Loop Bicycle Ride
8-11AM | California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park

Traffic Skills 101-2: On-Road Workshop
10AM-4PM | Park Police Station, 1899 Waller St.

Sunday, June 15

Gals With Gears: Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach and Back
9AM-12PM | Music Concourse, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling!

Become a member and join a diverse group of people who are committed to transforming city streets into more dignified places to ride a bicycle. Add your voice and keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103
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