Tuesday, June 17, 2014

SFBC News: Expanding Bike Education to Tech Shuttle Drivers

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition Biker Bulletin

June 17, 2014

Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/14/2014. Thank you for being a member!


Join us for a series of “byke” pride events in the month of June. RIDE WITH PRIDE!

Expanding our Bike Education to Tech Shuttle Drivers

Genentech EducationLast week, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition staff taught 75 Genentech shuttle bus operators a course in how to safely share the streets with people biking. The course — created by the SF Bicycle Coalition and funded by Genentech — covered key issues for large vehicle operators, including instructions on how to make a right turn across a bike lane, tips for safely dropping off and picking up passengers on a street with a bike lane, explanations of bicycle infrastructure and merging lines, and other information that helps to ensure the safety of people biking.

Find our more about this important safety work and get your business involved.

Elections Alert: Vehicle License Fee Delayed, General Obligation Bond Goes Forward

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition worked hard to double bike funding in the City's current transportation budget -- from 1% to a mere 2%. However, that extra funding relied on two ballot measures which were slated to go to the public this fall. One, the Transportation & Road Improvement Bond, will provide important funding for the Transit Effectiveness Project and street upgrades to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and access. The other would have been a Vehicle License Fee (VLF), which would have restored the fee to its historic 2% funding level in order to restore significant funding to go toward street resurfacing & Vision Zero safety priorities. Unfortunately, the VLF has been postponed to the 2016 ballot. That means a major hole in funding for smart transportation investments, including bicycling. We are expecting a commitment from the Mayor to restore the gap in Vision Zero funding in the interim – and we'll hold him to that promise. Stay tuned to sfbike.org/vote for more information on elections and endorsements.

Planning Commission Supports Vision Zero Resolution

On Thursday, the San Francisco Planning Commission voted to formally support the Vision Zero goal of reducing traffic collision deaths to zero by 2024. This resolution was particularly exciting, as it not only supports our Vision Zero work overall, but included specific implementation measure to integrate bicyclist safety elements into the early planning process for new developments. We applaud the Planning Commission’s work on this issue, and look forward to the development of a Complete Streets approach for all planning processes.

Bummer: New BART Car Design Postponed

BARTThe BART Board of Directors voted last Thursday to postpone the decision for the new BART car designs until 2016, when ten test cars will arrive. Despite the outpouring of letters from our members and many comments from disability advocates in support of the bicycle racks, a few of the BART Directors expressed a desire to decrease bicycle access on board. In the end, the BART Board has decided to delay the decision until the test cars can run their trial period to be able to do additional outreach.

For more details on this decision and ways to get involved, read our recent blog post.

Now Hiring: Volunteer Coordinator 

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re hiring a part-time Volunteer Coordinator to join our Volunteer Manager, Margaret, in growing and managing our incredible volunteer community. This is a part time, 15-20 hour per week position that will be an excellent fit for someone with a keen understanding of how to best leverage volunteers to support and grow a nonprofit and how to recruit and retain volunteers for a variety of roles. The Volunteer Coordinator will work with our dedicated in-office volunteers, manage our intern cohort program and work with our community partners to support and execute our ongoing Bike Builds. Find out more and apply here.

Join us for the Golden Wheel Awards on July 15

Golden WheelDon’t miss our 22nd Annual Golden Wheel Awards on Tuesday, July 15, at our new venue, the Delancey Street Foundation, on the Embarcadero. Join other members and policymakers for an evening of inspiration as we honor the local groups and individuals helping to transform our city into a better place to live, work and bike.

This year we are thrilled to welcome Aaron Naparstek, the founder of Streetsblog, as our keynote speaker. Learn first-hand from this pioneering livable streets reporter about the issues impacting our cities and our communities, and what it will take to truly transform San Francisco streets. 

We're also proud to announce our Golden Wheel recipients: Officer Matt Friedman of the San Francisco Police Department, who is leading the charge to combat bicycle theft, and Dr. Shirley Johnson, whose tenacious advocacy with BIKES ONboard has opened up bike access on both Caltrain and BART. 

Your ticket or sponsorship will help support our important work promoting the bicycle for everyday transportation. Buy your tickets or sponsor the event today! 

Video: Moving Beyond the Bikelash

Moving Beyond BikelashWe’re so excited to have Streetsblog founder Aaron Naparstek as our Golden Wheel keynote speaker on July 15. One of Naparstek’s areas of expertise is in overcoming “bikelash,” anti bike sentiment. Check out this Streetfilms Shortie with the livable streets guru. And, of course, get your tickets to see him at Golden Wheel.


Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

Tuesday, June 17

SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank
5-8PM SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market  St., 10th Floor

Market Street Prototyping Festival Kickoff + Info Session*
6-8PM Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission St. 

LGBTQ: Intro to Urban Bicycling Workshop
7-8PM Magnet, 4122 18th St.

Wednesday, June 18

Special Event: the Future of Transportation in San Francisco*
9-11AM Wells Fargo Learning and Events Center, 333 Market St., Annex Building (2nd Floor, Clementine Room)

Thursday, June 19

Safe Bikes Theft Prevention Workshop
6-8:30PM Sports Basement, 1590 Bryant St.

Friday, June 20
Queer Ride SFL Nature Calls*
7:30-9:30PM Dolores Park

Saturday, June 21

Sports Basement Title 9 Spandex Bike Ride
9AM-1:30PM Sports Basement, 1590 Bryant St.

Women Ride the Headlands
10AM-1PM Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion

Summer Solstice Fundraiser for the SF Bicycle Coalition*
4PM-7PM Thee Parkside, 1600 17th St.

Sunday, June 22

Gals With Gears: Golden Gate Park to Ocean Beach and Back
9AM-12PM Music Concourse, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive

Let's Practice Together
10:30AM-2PM McLaren Lodge, Fell and Stanyan Sts.

Alice Radio's Summerthing*
12-4:30PM Golden Gate Park, Sharon Meadow

Monday, June 23

Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting*
6:30-7:30PM City Hall, Room 408

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling!

Become a member and join a diverse group of people who are committed to transforming city streets into more dignified places to ride a bicycle. Add your voice and keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103
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