Tuesday, October 9, 2012

SFBC News: Final Decision on Fell and Oak Next Week!

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Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/7/2012. Thank you for being a member!

October 9, 2012

"You can see that in a vibrant business district that there's a lot of foot traffic and bicycle traffic, and you instinctively understand that it's really good for business."
— Darren Flusche, Bikes Aren't Just Good for You, They're Good for the Economy, Too, Fast Company.

Biker Bulletin News

  1. Final Decision on Fell and Oak Bikeways is Next Week
  2. Cesar Chavez East Goes Green!
  3. Last Sunday Streets of the Season is October 21
  4. What Should the 2nd Street Bikeway Look Like?
  5. Epic Weekend and a Great Embarcadero Bike Pilot!
  6. Gary and Greens: Bike Ride and Lunch With Gary Fisher
  7. Bike the Vote: Ride with the Candidates
  8. Monthly Safety Tip: Drivers Crossing Bike Lanes to Turn
  9. Video: Klunkerz: Mountain Bike History
  10. Upcoming Events

Support better biking while listening to great music. Tunes4Tubes fundraiser for
SF Bicycle Coalition on Thursday, October 11. http://www.tunes4tubes.org

Final Decision on Fell and Oak Bikeways is Next Week

At long last, the SFMTA Board of Directors will be making the final decision on separated bikeways and pedestrian safety improvements to the three crucial blocks of Fell and Oak streets between Scott and Baker!

Can you come to the SFMTA Board Hearing on October 16 (1pm Room 400 of City Hall)? the SFMTA Board needs to hear your story as to why the separated bikeways and pedestrian improvements matter to you. If you can come to City Hall and share your story in person, please contact Neal@sfbike.org.

The SF Bicycle Coalition has been going door-to-door to businesses in the neighborhood and gather support letters - click here to send in your support letter if you haven't already. The decision for separated bikeways on Fell and Oak is only one week away!

And in exciting Fell Street news -- on Saturday, the bike counter turned over to one million trips! And Saturday showed the highest bike counts ever!

Cesar Chavez East Goes Green!

You've seen the soft-hit posts go in on Cesar Chavez East, and this week, the SFMTA will be adding green pavement on the Cesar Chavez bikeway from 101 to 280! The SF Bicycle Coalition championed approval of this project last year, and have been working with the SFMTA and SFDPW to add even more protection and visibility with the soft-hit posts and green pavement. Take a spin and be sure to thank our city leaders for making these critical biking improvements in San Francisco.

Last Sunday Streets of the Season is October 21

Love Sunday Streets? You can show your appreciation for a fantastic season of Sunday Streets when you volunteer for the last event of the season, October 21, on a new route in the Excelsior. It's your last chance to get your limited edition Sunday Streets t-shirt and free lunch, all just for helping make Sunday Streets possible for thousands of San Franciscans. Sign up now at sundaystreetssf.com/volunteer.

Sunday Streets will bring a day of healthy fun to the streets one last time this year -- including our own Freedom from Training Wheels, dancing, hula hooping, rollerskating and more. Stay tuned for next year's schedule!

Sunday Streets is sponsored by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and Livable City, the nonprofit fiscal sponsor of Sunday Streets responsible for the day-to-day management of the program. We are proud that the Sunday Streets Volunteer Program is managed by the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

Other ways you can help make the last Sunday Streets of the year a resounding success:

  1. Street Teams: Have a few daytime hours October 17? Help hang hundreds of No Parking signs along the route to keep it clear for event day. Sign up by emailing sundaystreets@sfbike.org.
  2. Help the next generation learn to bike: Teach kids to pedal at the Freedom From Training Wheels Workshop at Sunday Streets. We will train you. Email Grace to volunteer.
  3. Talk about our work to people at Sunday Streets: Join the SF Bicycle Coalition under the orange tent at Sunday Streets and talk to people about our work! If you are a trained Bicycle Ambassador, email Trafton.

What Should the 2nd Street Bikeway Look Like?

The City is deciding on a preferred option for the bikeway on 2nd Street and you can weigh in by filling out a survey. If you live or work near 2nd Street, please visit our web page to learn more about the options and give your opinion. The SF Bicycle Coalition has been working with all our neighborhood partners and reached out to all the local businesses in the area to build support for a separated bikeway on 2nd Street. Visit our 2nd Street page to learn more about the options and make sure your voice is heard.

Epic Weekend and a Great Embarcadero Bike Pilot!

Wow, what an incredible San Francisco weekend we just had! We were thrilled to see so many people choosing biking as their way to get to the numerous events. Our valet bike parking was packed at the America's Cup, Marina Green and the Giants Games, and the bikeways were full of locals and tourists, pedaling around the city.

In addition to all the great bike valet, the City also piloted a separated bikeway on the Embarcadero and Bay Streets--which opened up safe space for people biking along the waterfront. Share photos of your weekend bike ride and let us know what you thought of the pilot Embarcadero Bikeway on our Facebook wall.

Gary and Greens: Bike Ride and Lunch With Gary Fisher

Go on a fast-paced ride with mountain bike hall of famer, Gary Fisher, on this exclusive ride and dine event on Sunday, Oct 21st. Gary Fisher will be leading a group of road-riders on a quick-paced ride before lunch at Greens Restaurant in Ft Mason. Come rub elbows and hear stories from this local bike riding legend while supporting the work of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Space is very limited. RSVP at sfbike.org/rsvp.

Bike the Vote: Ride with the Candidates

Would you like a chance to talk with your District leaders? Come take a spin with some of our endorsed candidates for supervisors this month! See sfbike.org/vote for specific details on the rides. We've already had great rides with Supervisors Campalos, Avalos and District 5 Candidate Julian Davis. Find out more details about the upcoming rides and our endorsements at sfbike.org/vote.

  • District 1: Ride with Eric Mar, October 10
  • District 3: Ride with David Chiu, October 20
  • District 5: Ride with Christina Olague, October 15
Not registered to vote? Now, you can register -- or update your address -- online!

Monthly Safety Tip: Drivers Crossing Bike Lanes to Turn

Have you noticed that bike lanes become dashed when you're approaching an intersection? That's because CA law requires that when drivers have to cross a bike lane to turn, they need to drive into the lane to do so.

The guiding principle is to always make a right turn from the right lane -- or "Turn from the Curb." Turning across lanes is unsafe, since it can result in crashes and near-crashes, especially "right hook" collisions.

So, what are you supposed to do when you're bicycling and a driver is turning right? First, always be alert and remember that not everyone knows this important law. If a driver has their turn signal on, ride to the left of the car (signal for the people behind you). Please don't try to squeeze between the car and the curb.

This is just one of the rules of the road that we teach in our free bike eduction classes. The SF Bicycle Coalition is proud to teach all types of road users how to safely share the streets; we've now expanded our free education classes to include courses for all new Muni and taxi drivers. More at sfbike.org/edu.

Video: Klunkerz: Mountain Bike History

While San Francisco is making a name for itself as a great place for urban bicycle commuting, our neighbors to the North have long held the honor of being the birthplace of mountain biking. Thirty years ago, guys like Gary Fisher took balloon-tire cruiser bikes to the top of Mt. Tam and barralled down it. Check out this great video from the movie Klunkerz, about the early days of mountain biking. And register for the limited space bike ride fundraiser with Gary Fisher on October 21.

Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

** Tuesday, October 9th **

Grand opening of PUBLIC WORKS exhibition *
6-8pm | California College of the Arts 350 Kansas Street at 16th

Ride your bike to the Grand Opening of PUBLIC WORKS, a project of PUBLIC Bikes, where international designers interpret the bicycle in our public world. Posters, books, tees will be for sale, with 10% of the proceeds benefiting the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Plus, some of the local designers will be at hand to sign posters. Complimentary valet bicycle parking provided by the SF Bicycle Coalition. To volunteer to valet park bicycles email tyler@sfbike.org. Event details

Service Station
7-9am | Duboce Park at Steiner and Herman St

It's time to Bike the Vote! November 6 is Election Day in San Francisco and there are several important races and measures on the ballot for voters to decide. Sign up to help us win these important victories! Grab your bike and a griend or co-worker and pedal by to fuel up on free coffee and snacks.

Calling all SF Bicycle Coalition Ambassadors: If you want to be part of our weekly Service Stations during the month of October, sign up here. Thanks for helping us spread the bike love!

** Wednesday, October 10th **

Ride with D1 Supervisor Mar
8am | Velorouge Cafe, 798 arguello Boulevard

Join your neighbors and bike-friendly Supervisor Eric Mar for a group ride from the Richmond District to downtown. Mar is one of the SF Bicycle Coalition's endorsed candidates for re-election on November 6th, as he's been a strong and consistent supporter of more and better bicycling for District 1 and citywide.

SF Bicycle Coalition Volunteer Night
5-8pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor

This twice-monthly SF Bicycle Coalition tradition has been happening for as long as we can remember and newcomers are always welcome. So stop by, snack on tasty treats, chat with fellow members, and help us keep our organization rolling. Dinner is provided. Bring a friend-the more the merrier! Don't forget to bring up your bike to the office! Special thanks to Rainbow Grocery for generously providing snacks for our volunteers. Email Trafton to Volunteer.

Urban Bicycling Workshop: Intro to Safe Biking
7:00-8:00pm | Parkside Library (1200 Taraval St.)

The SF Bicycle Coalition will be hosting a one-hour workshop on safe bicycling for everyone. Come learn about types of bikes, the rules of the road, and how to make your bike comfortable for everyday riding, including grocery shopping. All skill levels welcome and no bike necessary. This course is funded in part by SFMTA. RSVP at http://www.sfbike.org/edu-intro

** Thursday, October 11th **

Tunes4Tubes Two - SF Bicycle Coalition Fundraiser
7pm – 10pm | 780 Café, 780 Valencia Street

Two long-time members would like to invite you to come boogie with them at their 2nd Annual Tunes4Tubes SF Bicycle Coalition fundraiser party!

Start your weekend early and check out 3 local bands -- Cradle Duende, Brad Wolfe and Burnt Ends West Blues Collective. Win goodies ranging from messenger bags and bike locks to massages and artwork and a few awesome silent auction prizes. Cash bar. All event proceeds will benefit YOU by helping the Bicycle Coalition make San Francisco a great place to bike.

All ages event. Visit tunes4tubes.org to purchase your tickets for only $20 or email info@tunes4tubes.org for more information.

** Saturday, October 13th **

Biketoberfest Ride & Festival *
11am-6pm | FairAnselm Plaza, Fairfax

Biketoberfest returns to Fairfax!. Bikes, Beer, Food, Music and a Cargo Bike Jubilee! Event details

Ride to Biketoberfest: Casual-pace group bike ride meets 9:45am at the SF Ferry Building Entrance. Ride and Event admission are Free! Beer tasting $25 in advance, $30 day of event.

Curso Espanol: Conocimientos básicos para manejarse en el tránsito
10-1PM | Mission Neighborhood Health Center (240 Shotwell Street)

Curso de cuatro horas sobre conocimientos y técnicas para andar seguro en bicicleta. Una serie de clases educativas gratuitas para andar en bicicleta que ofrece la Coalición de Bicicletas de San Francisco para ayudar a que las personas (mayores de 14 años) se sientan protegidas, cómodas y seguras cuando andan en bicicleta en la ciudad.

Wastewater Whirl Ride *
Meet at 10:30am | Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant, 750 Phelps St. at Evans

Join the SF Public Utilities Commission and friends for a spin through the City's streets as we explore the wonderful world of wastewater. We'll visit San Francisco's treatment plants, pump stations, storm drains, outfalls, and an innovative green infrastructure installation. For more info: Website RSVP to jwalsh@sfwater.org

** Sunday, October 14th **

Bike Kitchen External Maintenance Class *
9-11:30am | The San Francisco Bike Kitchen, 650H Florida Street

Three weeks of Sunday classes (October 14th, 21st, and 28th) covering installing and removing tubes and tires, installing brake and shift cables, adjusting brakes and gears, chain maintenance and truing wheels. Event Details & Tickets

** Monday, October 15th **

Ride with D5 Supervisor Olague
5:30pm | City Hall, Polk St. Steps

Join your neighbors in a ride from City Hall to District 5 with Supervisor Christina Olague. This is a chance to share your ideas, hopes and dreams for better biking with Olague who is one of the SF Bicycle Coalition's endorsed candidates for re-election on November 6th. We'll tour some of the much-needed areas of improvement along our Connecting the City routes.

Internal Maintenance Class at the Bike Kitchen *
6:30-9pm | The San Francisco Bike Kitchen, 650H Florida Street

Three weeks of Monday classes (October 15th, 22nd, and 29th) covering the installation, overhaul, adjustment and maintenance of the bicycle's bearing systems, freewheels and cassettes. Event Details & Tickets

** Tuesday, October 16th **

SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank
5pm-8pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor

Accept the challenge to chat up your fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members! Join the volunteers who keep the SF Bicycle Coalition membership strong. No cold-calling, just calls to friendly lapsed members offering an easy way to renew. Plan to stay for the thank-you dinner afterward and get to know your fellow volunteers. You must be a current or former member to volunteer. Contact juli@sfbike.org

Service Station
5-7pm | Polk St and Green St

It's time to Bike the Vote! November 6 is Election Day in San Francisco and there are several important races and measures on the ballot for voters to decide. Sign up to help us win these important victories!

Calling all SF Bicycle Coalition Ambassadors: If you want to be part of our weekly Service Stations during the month of October, sign up here. Thanks for helping us spread the bike love!

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling
Become a member and join a diverse group of 12,000 people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle.
When you add your voice you'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Contact SF Bicycle Coalition staff

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103
To review our Privacy Policy.
The email address for you is knf100@gmail.com
If you no longer wish to receive email communication from San Francisco Bicycle Coalition you may unsubscribe

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