Tuesday, July 16, 2013

SFBC News: Market Street, Bike Theft and Members Only Perks

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July 16, 2013


Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/14/2013. Thank you for being a member!

Biker Bulletin News

BikeIf you’ve been an SF Bicycle Coalition member for less than a year,
join us for our New Member Meet & Greet on July 24!

Speak up for Separated Bikeways on Market, July 17 & 20

Market Street MeetingsThe City’s Better Market Street team will be holding two important public workshops to get your feedback on three options for improving biking on Market Street. Please attend a workshop to speak up for a separated bikeway the length of Market Street.

The City has recently backed away from the glaring need to make biking on Market truly safe and comfortable for people of all ages and backgrounds. The agencies are now spending significant sums of money studying a new option of a bikeway on Mission and no biking improvements on Market.

While we also support improvements to Mission Street, we know that Market Street is our city’s main bicycling corridor and a truly Better Market Street will include separated bikeways the full length of the street. Separated bikeways will make it safer for the thousands of locals and tourists who pedal on our city’s main boulevard every day. Bikes belong on Market!

Workshop #1:
Wednesday, July 17, 6-8:30PM

Parc 55 Hotel Ballroom, 55 Cyril Magnin St

Workshop #2:
Saturday, July 20, 10AM-12:30PM
SF Main Library, Koret Auditorium, 100 Larkin St

RSVP Today

We’re Working with the City to Curb Bike Theft

We know that bike theft is a top priority for our members, so we’re working hard to keep your bikes safe. Your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has worked hard to win you more secure bike parking around the city--from helping pass the Employee Bike Access Legislation to ushering in more bike racks and corrals to our recent work in helping adapt the Planning Code to allow for more bike parking in buildings.

And now we’re working with City Hall to bring the issue to the forefront of the police and decision-makers. This is a big week for the topic of bike theft.

On Monday, the Land Use & Economic Development Committee heard an update to the Bike Parking requirements for new buildings and major renovations. It now goes to on to the full Board for a vote! This legislation will help ensure that buildings in SF have plenty of secure and convenient bike parking.

On Thursday, the Public Safety Committee will hold a special hearing on a new report detailing the costs of bike theft throughout the city.  From the thousands of dollars spent removing disabled bikes from sidewalk racks, to the storage of hundreds of recovered bikes, San Francisco has the opportunity to save costs and help reduce bike theft.  The hearing will focus on the possibility of a voluntary bicycle registration program to help people who have had their bike stolen file police reports and be reunited with their bike; as well as identify ways SFPD can step up its enforcement through sting operations.  If you have a story to share or want to hear what the City is doing to curb bike theft, we invite you attend this meeting at 1:30PM at City Hall on Thursday. 

Summer of Bike Love

Summer of Bike LoveIf Polk Street is part of your commute home (or even if it isn’t!) swing by our friendly Summer of Bike Love Service Station for some delicious baked goods and special deals for new and renewing members. How lovely! Come tell us what you love about biking in this beautiful city and say hi to our fantastic volunteers. Need to renew your membership? Take advantage of $10 off and join or renew for only $25! Plus, when you join or renew at a Summer of Bike Love station, you can pick up a discount coupon and share the love with a friend! Trained Bicycle Ambassadors can sign up to volunteer at one of our upcoming Service Stations here.
    •    July 19, 5-7PM: Polk & McAllister
    •    July 26, 7-9AM: Duboce & Sanchez

Public Safety on Polk is not a Trade-Off

"What we have committed to doing is developing additional options [for Polk Street] that would entail less parking loss. There may be some trade-offs in terms of some of the safety or other benefits."
- SFMTA Director Ed Reiskin, April 2, 2013

In less than two weeks, the SFMTA will present their draft proposed recommendations for Polk Street at the final Polk Street Improvement Project Community Meeting. Now is the time to let City leaders know that public safety should never be traded for convenience like parking, especially in a corridor where the majority of people walk, bike and talk transit. As SFMTA Board member Cheryl Brinkman has said in the recent months, only a transformative change on Polk Street will provide people walking and biking the safety they deserve. Visit our Polk Street page to see how you can help this critical campaign by calling, emailing or tweeting City leaders.

A North to South Neighborhood Greenway for the Mission 

Valencia Street, south of Cesar Chavez Street, may not attract the same attention as other parts of the street, but these couple of blocks are important links in our Connecting the City vision of 100 miles of crosstown bikeways, and this area is used by hundreds of people daily as they bike across the city.

Recently the SF Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) included this area in their Green Infrastructure Projects initiative and recently expanded the project to include Tiffany Street and surrounding streets. The opportunity now exists to create a neighborhood greenway like the Wiggle stretching from the forthcoming Cesar Chavez green bike lanes to an improved San Jose Avenue.

If you missed the recent open house, take a few minutes to complete the official survey and ask for green sharrows, separated bike lanes on Valencia from Cesar Chavez all the way to Mission Street and a one-way Tiffany Street for cars. Visit sfbike.org/missiongateway for more information.

Discount Partner News: Design Cycle Series

Design CycleMission Bicycle Company will host a series of events called Design Cycle, a celebration of urban innovation for citizens and cities. Featuring bold ideas and inspiring stories, Design Cycle will explore how San Francisco and the world can move forward to build more responsive and sustainable communities.

The series kicks off Sunday, July 21 at the Brava Theater Center with Matthew Passmore, co-founder of SF's Rebar Group, in an exploration of urban prototyping. Urban prototyping is an emerging movement that makes city design more innovative and collaborative by bringing design solutions into the community quickly and cheaply. The nights presentation also includes the very first glimpse of the Streetscape Kit of Parts, an urban prototype kit for testing and developing bike infrastructure.

The urban-proto-parklet party starts at 6PM on 24th street with modular stage and furniture, as well as live music and bicycle tacos. For complete details and ticket info click here.

Ride with us to Pedalfest July 20th!

Join us for two-wheeled excitement at Pedalfest while supporting our great friends at the East Bay Bicycle Coalition! Free to attend, Pedalfest-goers will enjoy cycling daredevils performing in a 30-foot Whiskeydrome; eye-popping two-wheeled stunts by pro riders; a pedal-powered stage featuring live music; pedal-powered food; and a dazzling collection of new, vintage and handmade bikes from all over the Bay Area. Wait, theres more! A selection of beers will be available from New Belgium Brewing, with all proceeds being donated to the East Bay Bicycle Coalition.

Riding from San Francisco? Join our free rec ride across the Bay to Pedalfest! Meet at 12:00PM at the Embarcadero BART station entrance by the cable car turn-around at the intersections of California, Drumm and Market streets. The group will take BART over to Oakland and then enjoy riding the nice bikeways that lead to Jack London Square.

Members Only Perks and Services

Did you know that as a SF Bicycle Coalition Member you can check out a trailer or bike box from our office for free? We have trailers for items large and small and bike boxes for your train or plane. Also, we just added a new Burley Travoy trailer to our stock this week! Big thanks to our discount partner, New Wheel for providing us with a member discount on the trailer and offering ongoing service for it!

As a member, our bike and trailer rental service is exclusively for you. Reservations are made available on a first come, first served basis. Check out our stock, and make your reservation early!

If you’re not a member yet, what are you waiting for? - sign up online!

Video: The Art of Carrying Things by Bike

Urban BikingWondering how to carry a crock-pot, case of Rainbow bulk food, or even a 20-pound Corgi on your bike? San Francisco bike riders show you how in a great video called "The Art of Carrying Things by Bike," on how to carry everything on two wheels. SF Bicycle Coalition member and filmmaker Laura Lukitsch and other San Francisco riders shows you how to transport almost anything by bike. You’ll probably recognize some fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members (like Gary Fisher)! Inspired by this video? Rent one of our trailers, free for members.

Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

Tuesday, July 16

SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank
5-8PM | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor

Accept the challenge to chat up your fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members! Join the volunteers who keep the SF Bicycle Coalition membership strong. No cold-calling, just calls to friendly lapsed members offering an easy way to renew. Plan to stay for the thank-you dinner afterward and get to know your fellow volunteers. You must be a current or former member to volunteer. Contact juli@sfbike.org

Wednesday, July 17

Market Street Community Meeting
6-8:30PM| Parc 55 Ballroom, 55 Cyril Magnin St.

The City is holding two more community public meetings (July 17 and July 20) on the Better Market Street Project this month. Weigh in on the design and ad your voice to the calls for safe, separated bikeways the entire length of Market Street. Visit www.sfbike.org/market for more details.

Thursday, July 18

Market Street Webinar
12-2PM| Register at www.bettermarketstreetsf.org

Can't attend the July 17 or July 20 Better Market Street Community Meeting? Take this webinar and weigh in on the design and ad your voice to the calls for safe, separated bikeways the entire length of Market Street. Visit www.sfbike.org/market for more details.

Bike to Work with Supervisor Mar *
Meet 7:30AM, push off 8AM | Velo Rouge Cafe, (Arguello @ Cabrillo)

Talk policy points or trade political gossip with Supervisor Eric Mar on this jolly ride -- catch a rocking Richmond District bike bus and roll downtown with Eric and a merry band of D1 velocitizens. Top up your tires and get on the bike bus!

Bike Theft & Registration Hearing
9:00AM | City Hall, Room 250

Supervisor Eric Mar has called a hearing on Bike Theft in San Francisco. The Board of Supervisors Budget & Legislative Analyst has prepared a document showing the costs of bike theft across the city, and there will be a discussion on what can be done to reduce theft and improve security. Representatives from the SFDPW, SFPD, and other agencies will be on-hand to discuss what has been done and hear about ideas for ways to reduce bike theft. We need members of the public to share their stories and show support for increased efforts to reduce theft -- RSVP by emailing Marc.

Urban Bicycling Workshop: Intro to Safe Biking
6:00-7:00 PM | Ingleside Police Station (in Balboa Park)

The SF Bicycle Coalition will be hosting a one-hour workshop on safe bicycling for everyone. Come learn about types of bikes, the rules of the road, and how to make your bike comfortable for everyday riding, including grocery shopping. All skill levels welcome and no bike necessary. This course is funded in part by SFMTA. RSVP here.

Friday, July 19

Summer of Bike Love Service Station
5-7PM | Polk & McAllister

All you need is love — and a bicycle! Every Friday in July, we’ll be hosting a Summer of Bike Love Service Station in a different neighborhood. Bike by and tell us where you love to bike in San Francisco, pick up tasty treats and join or renew with a special discounted membership rate. We're even offering a membership coupon to give to a friend, because bike love is for sharing! Bicycle Ambassadors, we need you to come make the fun and share the love. Sign up to join us!

The Invasion Begins - Launch Party *
7-10PM | Huckleberry Bicycles, 1073 Market St at 7th St

Huckleberry Bicycles is hosting a party in conjunction with Boombotix to launch their new Boombot Rex, ultra portable wireless speakers. Event details. Complimentary valet bicycle parking provided by the SF Bicycle Coalition. To volunteer to valet park bicycles, sign up online.

Saturday, July 20

Market Street Community Meeting
10AM-12:30PM, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin St.

The City is holding two more community public meetings on the Better Market Street Project this month. Weigh in on the design and ad your voice to the calls for safe, separated bikeways the entire length of Market Street. Visit www.sfbike.org/market for more details.

Rec Ride: Pedal to Pedalfest
12PM | Embarcadero BART, cable car turn-around

Support the East Bay Bicycle Coalition while enjoying a free celebration of bikes, cycling, food, family and fun at Pedalfest from 11AM-7PM in Oakland’s great Jack London Square!

Join the free rec ride from San Francisco to Pedalfest! Meet at the Embarcadero BART station entrance by the cable car turn-around at the intersections of California, Drumm and Market streets. The group will take BART over to Oakland and then enjoy riding the nice bikeways that lead to Jack London Square.

Eventbrite - SF Bicycle Coalition Rec Ride: Pedal to Pedalfest

Sunday, July 21

Design Cycle: Urban Prototyping Presented by Rebar *
6-8:30PM | Brava Theater Center, 2781 24th Street at York

Mission Bicycle Company presents Matthew Passmore, co-founder of SF's Rebar Group, in an exploration of urban prototyping. The night's presentation also includes the very first glimpse of the Streetscape Kit of Parts, an urban prototype kit for testing and developing bike lanes, designed in collaboration with the SF Bicycle Coalition. 

Come early at 6pm for an urban-proto-parklet party on 24th street with modular stage and furniture, as well as live music and bicycle tacos. Matthew takes the stage at 7PM. Event details.

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling
Become a member and join a diverse group of 12,000 people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle.
When you add your voice you'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103
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