Tuesday, July 23, 2013

SFBC News: Big Wins for Security, Speak up for Polk and BART of the Future

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July 23, 2013


Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/14/2013. Thank you for being a member!

Biker Bulletin News

BikeBeen a member for less than a year?
Join us at the New Member Meet & Greet tomorrow, 5-8PM! RSVP here.

Big Wins for Bike Security

Bike TheftLast week, we made sure SF Bicycle Coalition members’ voices were heard at two important hearings to help your bicycle stay safe when locked up. From better bike parking to combatting bike theft, we’re helping you keep your beloved bicycle secure for years to come. 

Thanks to years of legwork, the Board of Supervisors is considering a proposal today to dramatically increase the number of required bike parking spots in new and renovated buildings after unanimous passage at the Land Use Committee last week. Once the new law is approved, all newly constructed buildings – from housing to office space to stadiums and supermarkets – will be required to provide abundant, secure bike parking. Read the details of the proposal and find out more.

But we didn’t stop there. This past Thursday, we tackled the thorny issue of bike theft thanks to the leadership of Richmond D1 Supervisor Eric Mar. We worked with City staff to release a new report that highlights the huge epidemic of bike theft – over 4,000 estimated thefts last year. Now, we’re continuing our work with our partners at SF-SAFE and SFPD to help find meaningful ways to help reduce bike theft overall and to help reunite owners with their stolen bikes. The report includes lots of shocking numbers and a clear recommendation for greater priority and attention to bike theft from the police, a voluntary bike registration program and better education for the public. Read the details of the report and learn how to help reduce your exposure to bike theft.

If you want to see a stronger response from the City to combat bike theft, we are asking, as part of our mid-year appeal, for support for this important work with a donation of $10, $25 or $100. Bike theft is an epidemic in San Francisco, and with your help, we will finally be able to curb it. Your special gift today will support the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition's multi-tiered anti-theft campaign to:

  • Ensure a citywide voluntary registration program is set up to track bike serial numbers and help recover stolen bikes.
  • Work with the police to set up bike theft stings to catch bike thieves.
  • Watchdog the City to ensure money budgeted for bike theft actually goes to keeping your ride secure.
  • Continue our work to require more secure bike parking at work, home and at transit stations.

Help meet our mid-year fundraising needs with an investment of $10, $25 or $100 today to support your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition’s crucial work to combat bike theft now and for years to come.

A Disappointing Proposal for Polk Street

The SF Municipal Transportation Agency staff released their preferred alternative for Polk Street last week – an unsatisfying grab bag of bicycle infrastructure that includes everything from sharrows to weaving bike lanes for the corridor, while missing the goal of a continuous, separated bikeway in both directions. Noticeably absent from the plan is the transformative change that users of Polk Street – one of the most dangerous streets for both people walking and biking – need and that meet the SFMTA’s own goals of increasing biking, walking and safety.

Speak Up: This Thursday, we will have an opportunity to discuss the alternative with the City and demand a vision for Polk Street that does not trade safety for convenience. Drop by between 5PM and 8:30PM on Thursday, July 25 at the Old First Church Fellowship Hall, 1751 Sacramento Street, between Van Ness and Polk. In the meantime, contact City leaders today to let them know that your safety should never be compromised.

Re-envisioning Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard is one of widest and greenest north-south routes in the Sunset District. It is also part of the SFPUC’s Green Infrastructure Initiative, along with the Wiggle and Mission Gateway Neighborhood Greenways. This Thursday, July 25, drop by the first Sunset Boulevard Greenway Community Open House any time from 5PM to 8PM at the Sunset Recreation Center, 2201 Lawton St (between 28th Ave. and 29th Ave.) to learn more and speak up for better bicycle infrastructure along this beautiful western corridor.

Step Inside the BART Car of the Future

BART Bike RackBART has invited the public to step inside a model of its new train cars this week. The new cars will include additional bike storage options for customers traveling with bikes, digital displays and many more features for everyone. Head to the concourse level of the MacArthur BART Station from 2 to 7PM, Tuesday to Friday of this week (July 23-26) and give it a shot. And, of course, thanks to our work lifting the Rush-Hour Bike Ban, you can bring your bike with you any time of day! Find out more about the tours throughout the week.

See you at Sunday Streets this Weekend in the Mission!

This weekend, we’ll be teaching our Freedom from Training Wheels class in the Mission as Sunday Streets transforms the neighborhood into into an open space for people to walk, run, skip, jump, bike and play. Bring your young ones to our free class! If you’d like to volunteer to help teach the workshop, please sign up online. Also, our friendly Bicycle Ambassadors will be on hand at our Service Station, offering free air and snacks to the passers-by. Say hi, or join us as a volunteer. See you Sunday!

Summer of Bike Love (and free coffee, too!) 

Summer of Bike LoveThe Summer of Bike Love returns this Friday! From 7 to 9AM, we’ll be at the corner of Duboce & Sanchez offering delicious, free coffee (yum!) generously donated by our good friends and discount partners, Duboce Park Cafe. Swing by and tell our friendly volunteers what you love about biking in San Francisco and take advantage of our Summer of Bike Love special offer: Not only can you join or renew for $25, but you’ll get a coupon to share this sweet deal with a friend! All that and a cup of coffee? Yup, that’s some love, all right.

Members Only

New Member Meet and Greet | TOMORROW July 24 | 5-8PM
Celebrate your first year as an SF Bicycle Coalition member at our New Member Meet and Greet tomorrow night! Join us at our office to mingle with fellow members, meet SF Bicycle Coalition staff and learn more about how you can get involved. 833 Market St. 10th Floor - Feel free to bring your bike up with you. RSVP here and hope to see you there!

Hooray for our Sunday Streets Member-Volunteers!
Hats off to our amazing Sunday Streets Bicycle Ambassadors! These member-volunteers recruited a whopping 25 new and renewing members at the Great Highway Sunday Streets alone. Volunteering as a Bicycle Ambassador is a members-only opportunity and a great way to share the bike love while supporting the bike movement. We have five more Sunday Streets this season. If you’re a trained Bicycle Ambassador, sign up here to volunteer! To attend the next training, email our Volunteer Coordinator, Margaret.

Not a member yet? Join or renew at one of these participating bike shops this month for a chance to win a free t-shirt!

Video: Hazla de Tos ("Stop Coughing")

Check out this great music video from BICIRED, the National Network of Urban Cyclists in Mexico. Hazla de Tos (or "Stop Coughing") is their campaign that seeks to improve air quality in Mexico.


Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

Wednesday, July 24

SF Bicycle Coalition Volunteer Night
5-8PM | SF Bicycle Coalition, 833 Market St., 10th Floor

This twice-monthly SF Bicycle Coalition tradition has been happening for as long as we can remember and newcomers are always welcome. So stop by, snack on tasty treats, chat with fellow members and bike enthusiasts and help us keep our organization rolling. Dinner is provided. Bring a friend -- the more the merrier! Don't forget to bring up your bike to the office. No RSVP necessary. Special thanks to Rainbow Grocery for generously providing snacks for our volunteers.

New Member Meet and Greet
5-8PM | SF Bicycle Coalition, 833 Market St., 10th Floor

If you've been a member for less than a year, we warmly invite you to come to our New Member Meet & Greet. Come join us for a special edition of Volunteer Night! You can chat with fellow members, learn more about your friendly SF bike advocacy organization, and the different ways to get involved. Don't forget to bring up your bike! Please RSVP.

The Great Muni Overhaul *
6-8PM | San Francisco LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market St, Room 300

Did you know that Muni is planning to overhaul their entire service through the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) in the next few years? The San Francisco Transit Riders Union is having a forum on the TEP and it’s open to ALL! We’ll have a speaker from SFMTA to present on what the TEP will do, such as ways to speed up transit. Nearby transit: F, 6, 71 Event details

Urban Bicycling Workshop: Intro to Safe Biking
6:30-7:30PM | Golden Gate Valley Library (1801 Green St.)

The SF Bicycle Coalition will be hosting a one-hour workshop on safe bicycling for everyone. Come learn about types of bikes, the rules of the road, and how to make your bike comfortable for everyday riding, including grocery shopping. All skill levels welcome and no bike necessary. This course is funded in part by SFMTA. RSVP here.

Bike + Design Lecture: Everything but the Bike *
7-9:30PM | Coalesse Design Center, 660 3rd St

Bike+Design is a three part series highlighting the history, innovation, and design of Bay Area bicycle culture. Curated by the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA SF) in collaboration with California College of the Arts (CCA), events will be held over the course of three months at Coalesse Design Center. Join us to learn about the hidden side of the common & uncommon bicycle. Event details

Thursday, July 25

Plan a Better Sunset Boulevard for You and Your Sewer System *
5-8PM | Sunset Recreation Center, 2201 Lawton St (between 28th and 29th)

Join anytime during this open house to share your ideas and hear from others about how Sunset Blvd can be improved while managing stormwater for the area. Learn more about green infrastructure technologies, give us your ideas on how you would like to use the space, and speak one-on-one with the project team. Event details

Polk Street Project Open House *
5-8:30PM | Old First Church Fellowship Hall, 1751 Sacramento Street between Van Ness & Polk Street)

After reviewing all of the public feedback from the community meetings and surveys, analyzing the technical feasibility of each option, and considering how best to balance the project goals, the recommendation for how to improve the safety and comfort of Polk Street will be finalized. Event details

SF Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting *
6:30PM | City Hall Room 408 (Polk and Grove Streets)
Come and speak up about bicycle issues in San Francisco. This eleven member committee meets once a month and advises the Board of Supervisors on all matters bicycle. Check the BAC website to see schedules and agendas, and contact BAC chair Bert Hill to ask to have an issue on the agenda or to request notice of meetings.

Friday, July 26

Summer of Bike Love Service Station
7-9AM | Duboce & Sanchez

All you need is love — and a bicycle! Every Friday in July, we’ll be hosting a Summer of Bike Love Service Station in a different neighborhood. Bike by and tell us where you love to bike in San Francisco, pick up tasty treats and join or renew with a special discounted membership rate. We're even offering a membership coupon to give to a friend, because bike love is for sharing! Bicycle Ambassadors, we need you to come make the fun and share the love. Sign up to join us!

Sunday, July 28

Rec Ride: Practice with Juli
10:30AM | Pompei Circle (stairs by the Conservatory of Flowers)

New to biking? Need help to get ready for TS-101? Come practice with Juli, alumna of the SF Bicycle Coalition Adult Learn How to Ride Class. We’ll do an easy ride in Golden Gate Park car-free space, then ride a bit in traffic, and end with tasty treats in the Richmond District! 

No hills, and experienced cyclists will be around to accompany us. Put your bike on the bus or rent one close by and join us! Email juli@sfbike.org for questions.

Sunday Streets in the Mission*
11AM-4PM | Mission District

From 11AM to 4PM, Sunday Streets will be transforming the Mission into an open space for people to walk, run, skip, jump, bike, and play. The SF Bicycle Coalition will be teaching our Freedom from Training Wheels workshop, and we'll have a Service Station at the event as well offering free air for your tires. Stop by and say hi! (If you're interested in volunteering with Freedom from Training Wheels, sign up here. Trained Bicycle Ambassadors can sign up here to volunteer at our Service Station.)

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling
Become a member and join a diverse group of people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle.
When you add your voice you'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

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