Tuesday, June 4, 2013

SFBC News: Be a Polk Street and Bike Share Champion

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June 4, 2013 


Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/14/2013. Thank you for being a member!

Biker Bulletin News


Reminder: The BART blackout lift begins on July 1st. Just a few more weeks to wait until you can bring your bike on BART any time!.

Five Ways to Take Action for Polk Street Today

Connecting the City

The SF Bicycle Coalition is calling upon our members who live, work or shop near Polk Street to take action today, Tuesday, June 4 to show that Polk Street needs serious safety improvements for people biking and walking. The SFMTA will be presenting a “preferred design option” in the next few weeks, and this is the last chance to show that you support safety improvements on Polk Street. Can you commit to taking at least one action today? 

  • Call Supervisor David Chiu’s office at 415-554-7450 and ask him to support   separated bikeways and pedestrian safety improvements on Polk Street.

  • Send in a support letter - hundreds of you already have, and if you’ve been waiting to send yours, please do it today.  See sfbike.org/POLK to get started.

  • Tweet @DavidChiu and @SFMTA_MUNI to support bike and pedestrian safety on Polk Street!

  • Come to the SFMTA Board Hearing today at 1pm in City Hall Room 400 - we’re looking for speakers during general Public Comment towards the beginning of the meeting to ask the SFMTA Board to ensure the safest option for bike riders and walkers on Polk Street moves forward. Email neal@sfbike.org for more details.

  • Volunteer to reach out to people on Polk Street today and get support letters and signatures.  Email ramon@sfbike.org if you can volunteer from 5-7pm today.

If you live, shop, or travel near Polk Street now is the time to take action!

Two Weeks Until Dynamo Janette Sadik-Khan's Keynote 

Golden Wheel Awards

Grab your friends and colleagues and be prepared to have your socks knocked off at
this year’s 21st Annual Golden Wheel Awards. We’re flying in world famous Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, the mover and shaker behind New York’s streets renaissance as our keynote speaker. Come hear how she’s changed New York and how we can make San Francisco streets more vibrant bike and pedestrian spaces in San Francisco.

Thursday, June 20, 6:30 - 9PM; Program starts at 7PM

Unlimited hors d'oeuvres, beer and wine 

Valet bike parking too!

Tickets and sponsorship information here. Sponsorships available until June 12.  

The Golden Wheel Awards is an annual fundraiser for our work to make our streets smooth, safe and vibrant. Enjoy an evening of mingling, eating, drinking and being inspired -- all while supporting a great cause. 

Become a Bay Area Bike Share Champion 

Bike Share

Have you been hearing an earful from your New York friends about the launch of Citibike, and wishing we had it here? You can help. San Francisco and the South Bay will be launching a small pilot bike share system in August. You can help build the support we need to ensure that San Francisco expands that initial small pilot into a full-scale system that can really make your life better. Volunteer to become a Bike Share Champion! Details here.

Have an idea of where you’d like to see a bike share pod? Weigh in at the SFMTA’s new crowdsourcing map.

A Better, Safer 2nd Street is Nearly Here

After more than a year of earnest community involvement, the City unveiled the final proposed design for the Second Street Improvement Project, which includes innovative and much-needed improvements like green, raised cycletracks, bike-specific signaling and a host of pedestrian safety features.

The final design still has a way to go before becoming a reality and many opportunities remain for opponents to derail this critical safety project during the approval and funding process. With this in mind, we are asking you to send a letter of support today to decision makers and let the City know how important the proposed changes are to you. Visit sfbike/2nd for more details.

Greening up the Wiggle 

The Wiggle is perhaps San Francisco’s most iconic bicycle route. An integral part of our Connecting the City’s Bay to Beach Route, it is used by thousands of people everyday, many of them on bicycles. For years we have worked with neighbors, merchants and the City to make the Wiggle even better and an upcoming project promises to afford us more opportunities to make the route even friendlier, safer and greener for people biking and walking. Join us on Tuesday, June 11 at 5 pm at the Electrical Workers Union Hall at 55 Fillmore St for the first community meeting for the Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor.

Just a Few Spots Left for Gary & Greens Ride

Gary and Greens Ride and Lunch

Join us for a small group ride with mountain bike legend Gary Fisher and SF Bicycle Coalition’s Executive Director, Leah Shahum. After an off-road pedal in Marin, join Gary for a gourmet lunch from Chef Annie Somerville’s daily menu at Greens Restaurant.

Sunday, June 9
Depart 9AM from City Cycle, 3001 Steiner St @ Union
Ride across Golden Gate Bridge to trails in the Marin Headlands, 22-mile roundtrip.

1PM Lunch at Greens Restaurant
Get your tickets today!

Take advantage of this special opportunity to experience bike history, all while supporting the SF Bicycle Coalition’s work for future improvements for biking!

Come to Wednesday's Bicycle Ambassador Training 

Itching to get more involved with your SF Bicycle Coalition? Join the proud ranks of our Bicycle Ambassadors! Training is this Wednesday, from 6-7:30PM at SF Bicycle Coalition Headquarters (833 Market St, Floor 10).

At this training, you’ll get up to date on what's going on with the SF Bicycle Coalition and learn how to sign up new members. This training will also prepare you to volunteer at races, festivals, Service Stations, special events and more. Contact Margaret at margaret@sfbike.org to sign up. Looking forward to seeing you there!

See You at Sunday Streets This Weekend

This Sunday, June 9, we’ll be at Sunday Streets in the Bayview/Dogpatch from 11-4PM. Join us, and come out to run, walk, skip, jump, roll, bike & play in the open streets. 

Bring your tiny tots to our Freedom from Training Wheels workshop (look for our orange ten), stop by our Service Station to get some free air for your tires. Plus, sign-ups are still open to volunteer at our Adaptive Cycling event. See you there!

Video: Spoke Spinners -- Bill Cunningham on Bike Share

New York Times Bike ShareNew York City's Bike Share, Citibike, launched last week -- and the whole city is talking about it. The 6,000 Citibike network is one of the biggest transportation transformations to New York City in decades. Bikes are so en vogue in New York that New York Times Style writer (and regular bike rider), Bill Cunningham is covering them. Check out this great New York Times video of New Yorkers enjoying bike share. Like us, Cunningham is elated to see so many people biking in regular, often dapper, clothes. 

Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

Tuesday, June 4

SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank 
5-8PM | SF Bicycle Coalition, 833 Market St., 10th Floor

Accept the challenge to chat up your fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members! Join the volunteers who keep the SF Bicycle Coalition membership strong. No cold-calling, just calls to friendly lapsed members offering an easy way to renew. Plan to stay for the thank-you dinner afterward and get to know your fellow volunteers. You must be a current or former member to volunteer. Contact juli@sfbike.org

LGBTQ Urban Bicycling Workshop: Intro to Safe Biking 
6:30-7:30PM | HRC Headquarters, 575 Castro Street 

In honor of Pride Month, the SF Bicycle Coalition will be hosting a one-hour workshop on safe bicycling in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign . Come learn about types of bikes, the rules of the road, and how to make your bike comfortable for everyday riding, including grocery shopping. All skill levels welcome and no bike necessary. This course is funded in part by SFMTA. RSVP athttp://www.sfbike.org/?edu1

Wednesday, June 5

Bicycle Ambassador Training
6-7:30PM | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, Floor 10

Curious to learn the secrets of our Bicycle Ambassador program? Of course you are! Well, wait no longer: Come to our Bicycle Ambassador training to get up to date on what's going on with the SF Bicycle Coalition and learn how to sign up new members. This training will also prepare you to volunteer at races, festivals, Service Stations, special events, and more. Contact Margaret to sign up. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Documentary Screening: Singletrack High *
8pm | Marin Bikes, 1090 Folsom St at 7th St

The hour-long documentary follows six student athletes through the 2012 season the NorCal League, exploring the importance of keeping kids outdoors on bikes. Co-director brothers Jacob and Isaac Seigel-Boettner will be in attendance for a post-screening Q&A. Event details

Saturday, June 8

SFBC Rec Ride: Fairfox Foray 
Leaves at 8am | Ferry Building

Get out of town on your bike! The Fairfax Foray is a free-wheeling bicycle adventure from San Francisco, over the Golden Gate Bridge and into Marin to the Fairfax Fair. This day trip mini-fundraiser for the SF Bicycle Coalition cruises up the coast and offers a great change of scenery at a relaxed pace. A perfect jaunt for those looking for their first ambitious bike ride—you can do it! And Marin will be forever within your reach as a cycling destination! 

Free for SF Bicycle Coalition members; $15 donation for non-members. Registration required. 

Sunday, June 9

Gary & Greens: Ride and Lunch Fundraiser
Leaves at 9AM, City Cyccles, 3001 Steiner Street at Union

Pedal with mountain bike legend Gary Fisher on an exclusive fundraiser where you’ll ride and dine, supporting the SF Bicycle Coalition’s work. Mountain bike pioneer and San Francisco local, Gary Fisher, will lead a small group ride across the Golden Gate Bridge to mountain bike trails in the Marin Headlands. Then you’ll return to the city for a gourmet meal at Greens Restaurant in Fort Mason.

This ride is suitable for people newer to mountain biking as well as adventuresome for advanced riders. This will be a 22 mile round-trip, no-drop ride and is supported with pro mechanics from City Cycle. While it's not a technical ride, the Marin Headlands are ripe with hills so endurance is needed. Tickets and Details

Sunday Streets in the Bayview/Dogpatch* 
11AM-4PM| Illinois St & 3rd St

Come play at Sunday Streets in the Bayview/Dogpatch! Volunteer with our Freedom from Training Wheels workshop (email Margaret to sign up), or, if you're a trained Bicycle Ambassador, volunteer at the SF Bicycle Coalition's Service Station (sign up here), or come volunteer at our the Adaptive Cycling event. See you there!

SF Bicycle Coalition Adaptive Cycling Event at Sunday Streets
11AM-4PM, Indiana at 19th Street

The SFMTA, Mayor’s Office of Disability, Department of Aging and Adult Services, Bay Area Outreach and Education Program (BORP) and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition are thrilled to be partnering together to put on an Adaptive Cycling event where youth and adults with physical disabilities will be able to test and ride bicycles at the Sunday Streets event in the Dogpatch.

Drop by anytime if you have a physical disability and want to ride one of the custom-made cycles, or sign up to volunteer to help escort riders along the Sunday Streets route. See our webpage for more information or to sign up to volunteer: sfbike.org/accessibility.

Family Biking: Freedom from Training Wheels 
11AM-3PM | Sunday Streets Bayview: 3rd & Galvez

Part of our Family Biking Classes, we can teach your young one how to balance, turn, and pedal without training wheels. Freedom from Training Wheels, a group effort to get kids riding without training wheels will be a part of this and every Sunday Streets. Bring your child's bike and helmet, if you have one. If not, we have a few balance bikes for kids aged 2-5. Questions? See sfbike.org/freedom

 (Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling
Become a member and join a diverse group of 12,000 people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle.
When you add your voice you'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

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San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

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