Tuesday, October 2, 2012

SFBC News: Final Decision on Fell and Oak!

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Dear Kevin,
Your SF Bicycle Coalition membership is current through 12/7/2012. Thank you for being a member!

October 2, 2012

"By vetoing SB 1464, [Governor Brown] makes clear that he prioritizes legalistic speculation over the safety of Californians. We're deeply concerned about what his lack of vision and leadership means for the safety of our streets and roads."
— California Bicycle Coalition, Governor Shocks Cyclists with "Give Me 3" Rejection, Approves Bills Making Infastructure Improvements Easier, L.A. Streetsblog, October 1, 2012.

Biker Bulletin News

  1. Fell and Oak Bikeways up for Approval October 16
  2. Market and Valencia Improvements This Month!
  3. BART Bike Pilot Results Look Promising
  4. Get Your High-Fives on Market Street Tonight
  5. Bike the Vote: Ride with the Candidates
  6. Green Connections Community Meeting Tomorrow
  7. Bike to the America's Cup and Fleet Week!
  8. PUBLIC Bikes Art Event October 9 to Benefit Better Biking
  9. Video: Vancouver's Velo Vision: Safe Biking for All Ages
  10. Upcoming Events

Know of a great place for a bike corral? The City is accepting applications.
Download the application today at sfbike.org/corrals

Fell and Oak Bikeways up for Approval October 16

At long last, the SFMTA Board of Directors will be making the final decision on separated bikeways and pedestrian safety improvements to the three blocks of Fell and Oak streets between Scott and Baker!

We've been busy working with Supervisor Olague to ensure the city prioritizes this project and it's paid off. Now we're asking all our members who want to see Fell and Oak improved to come to the SFMTA Board hearing on October 16 at 1pm in City Hall Room 400, or send in a support letter. Let Neal@sfbike.org know if you can speak up in person and go to sfbike.org/fell to find out how to send your support letter - do it today!

The SF Bicycle Coalition also wants to thank the hundreds of businesses, neighbors and San Francisco Bicycle Coalition members for coming out to the City's planning meetings to improve biking and walking on two bustling San Francisco corridors. Click on our 2nd Street page or Polk Street page to find out how you can help shape the future of these corridors.

Market and Valencia Improvements This Month!

Are you tired of crossing multiple lanes of traffic and rails when you're turning left from westbound Market Street onto Valencia Street? Well, we've got some good news for you! In October, a huge improvement will be made to this messy intersection.

The City will be adding a cutout on the sidewalk, which will act as a queueing area for those who want to turn left. A dedicated bicycle traffic signal across the street (near Martuni's) will also be added, signaling the bike turn. This kind of queueing area for a left turn will be the first of its kind in San Francisco, though it's been effective in other cities around the globe.

The SF Bicycle Coalition is proud to have championed this project in 2009 when it was approved along with many of the bike lanes you're riding today. This is just one of the many projects we've been working on this year, and we hope that like the buffered bike lanes on 17th Street and new pavement on Market Street, that it makes your ride better and safer. Read more about this improvement and the design here.

BART Bike Pilot Results Look Promising

BART released the survey results of its Bike Friday pilot, removing the rush hour ban on bikes all Fridays in August. And those results look promising toward opening up more bicycle access on BART.

Ninety percent of the 7,500 people surveyed said that allowing bikes on during rush hour had little or no impact on their commute. And 25% of people surveyed said that lifting the rush hour ban would make them more likely to ride BART. And perhaps most encouragingly, 15% of the people who brought their bikes on board during the pilot said they would have driven their car rather than taken transit.

The SF Bicycle Coalition is proud to have worked with BART and the East Bay Bicycle Coalition to implement this pilot. And we will continue our work to open up regional travel by bicycle. Huge thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the pilot. To read more about the findings, see: http://bart.gov/news/articles/2012/news20120928.aspx

Get Your High-Fives on Market Street Tonight

The SF Bicycle Coalition will be giving high-fives to bike commuters on Market at Jones Street tonight to celebrate smooth pavement on Market. We worked with DPW to prioritize repaving of the most worn and dangerous sections of Market Street--ahead of the 2016 schedule. Stop by for some good bike cheer and hear about all the bike improvements happening around town--from Polk Street to Masonic Ave and 2nd Street! Exciting huge bike improvements are sweeping across the city -- and we have you to thank.

Calling all SF Bicycle Coalition Ambassadors: If you want to be part of our weekly Service Stations during the month of October, sign up here. Thanks for helping us spread the bike love!

Bike the Vote: Ride with the Candidates

Would you like a chance to talk with your District leaders? Come take a spin with some of our endorsed candidates for supervisors this month! See sfbike.org/vote for specific details on the rides. We've already had great rides with Supervisors Campalos, Avalos and District 5 Candidate Julian Davis. Find out more details about the upcoming rides and our endorsements at sfbike.org/vote.

  • District 1: Ride with Eric Mar, October 10
  • District 3: Ride with David Chiu, October 20
  • District 5: Ride with Christina Olague, October 15
Not registered to vote? Now, you can register -- or update your address -- online!

Green Connections Community Meeting Tomorrow

Are you interested in a calm, green neighborhood street where you live? Join the Green Connections team and learn more about the City's efforts to increase access to parks, open space and the waterfront, by re-envisioning San Francisco streets and paths as green connectors. The City will be presenting their draft network map for where these routes will be located - add your input at the community meeting on Wednesday October 3, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the LGBT Community Center (1800 Market Street) in the Rainbow Room. Read more here.

Bike to the America's Cup and Fleet Week!

The big ships are back in town this week for the America's Cup and Fleet Week! We don't know who will win the matches, but we do know that SF Bicycle Coalition volunteers will provide free valet bike parking and park your bike with a smile at Marina Green and Aquatic Park during the weekend. See the Biking to America's Cup page on 511.org for all the details on routes and valet bike parking locations this weekend.

Even if you're not a fan of sailing or fast airplanes, you might enjoy some temporary bikeways the city will be laying out during the weekend on the Embarcadero and Bay Street. Want to experience what biking in a wide, separated bikeway on the Embarcadero feels like? Visit our America's Cup page and see what's coming - we've been working to get these pilot projects on the ground and we're curious to know what you think.

PUBLIC Bikes Art Event October 9 to Benefit Better Biking

Grab your friends next Tuesday night, October 9, to check out the Grand Opening of PUBLIC WORKS, a project of PUBLIC Bikes, where international designers interpret the bicycle in our public world. Posters, books, tees will be for sale, with 10% of the proceeds benefiting the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Plus, some of the local designers will be on hand to sign posters. Complimentary bike valet provided by the SF Bicycle Coalition. Details for the event can be found here.

Video: Vancouver's Velo Vision - Safe Biking for All Ages

This summer, San Francisco Bicycle Coalition staff joined other bicycle advocates and city planners in Vancouver, Canada, for the Velo-city conference. Like San Francisco, bicycling is booming in Vancouver--and the city is making some huge strides toward better, safer bike infrastructure. From "green carpets" at intersections, to separated bikeways on main thoroughfares to neighbhorhood greenways, Vancouver is one of the leading bicycle cities in North America. Check out this great video that shows some of the new infrastructure, the City's commitment to building better, safer projects.

Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar of events. To add your bike event to our calendar, simply email the details to us.

** Tuesday, October 2nd **

Rough Reading Series: Bike America *
7pm | The Thick House, 1695 18th St

Bike America is the story of 4,000 miles and a damaged soul who aims to conquer each one. The comedic play from Mike Lew is presented by the Playwrights Foundation and the National Center for New Plays. Reading is FREE, donations appreciated. $1 Drinks if you bring your bike. Please RSVP to rsvp@playwrightsfoundation.org or call (415) 626-2176.

SF Bicycle Coalition Phone Bank
5pm-8pm | SF Bicycle Coalition HQ, 833 Market St, 10th Floor

Accept the challenge to chat up your fellow SF Bicycle Coalition members! Join the volunteers who keep the SF Bicycle Coalition membership strong. No cold-calling, just calls to friendly lapsed members offering an easy way to renew. Plan to stay for the thank-you dinner afterward and get to know your fellow volunteers. You must be a current or former member to volunteer. Contact juli@sfbike.org.

Energizer Station
5-7pm | Market St and Jones St

It's time to Bike the Vote! November 6 is Election Day in San Francisco and there are several important races and measures on the ballot for voters to decide. Sign up to help us win these important victories! Grab your bike and a friend or co-worker and pedal by one of the SF Bicycle Coalition's Bike the Vote Energizer Stations to fuel up on free coffee and snacks.

If you're a trained Bicycle Ambassador and want to Bike the Vote email trafton@sfbike.org to volunteer.

** Wednesday, October 3rd **

Open House for Green Connections *
5:30-7:30pm | LGBT Center, Rainbow Room, 1800 Market Street

Green Connections is a two-year project looking at ways to improve access to parks, open space and the waterfront, by re-envisioning City streets and paths as 'green connectors'. Drop by the open house to see the draft network of Green Connections and a design toolkit. Event details

** Saturday, October 6th **

Family Biking: Bike to School Practice Training
10am-12:30pm | Panhandle, Golden Gate Park

Learn how to ride to school with your children with our on-road course. Our instructors will teach you and your children how to prepare and ride to school, including practice on a car-free space and on regular city streets with biking facilities. Parents with children of all ages are welcome, including children riding independently. All people under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring your own bikes and helmets. RSVP sfbike.org/family_class.

** Tuesday, October 9th **

Grand opening of PUBLIC WORKS exhibition *
6-8pm | California College of the Arts 350 Kansas Street at 16th

Ride your bike to the Grand Opening of PUBLIC WORKS, a project of PUBLIC Bikes, where international designers interpret the bicycle in our public world. Posters, books, tees will be for sale, with 10% of the proceeds benefiting the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Plus, some of the local designers will be at hand to sign posters. Complimentary valet bicycle parking provided by the SF Bicycle Coalition. To volunteer to valet park bicycles email tyler@sfbike.org. Event details

Energizer Station
7-9am | Duboce Park at Steiner and Herman St

It's time to Bike the Vote! November 6 is Election Day in San Francisco and there are several important races and measures on the ballot for voters to decide. Sign up to help us win these important victories! Grab your bike and a friend or co-worker and pedal by one of the SF Bicycle Coalition's Bike the Vote Energizer Stations to fuel up on free coffee and snacks.

If you're a trained Bicycle Ambassador and want to Bike the Vote email trafton@sfbike.org to volunteer.

(Events not sponsored by the SF Bicycle Coalition are marked with an *)

Join the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and make San Francisco great for bicycling
Become a member and join a diverse group of 12,000 people who are committed to making San Francisco an easier and safer place to ride a bicycle.
When you add your voice you'll keep bike improvements moving forward in San Francisco!

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Contact SF Bicycle Coalition staff

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition - 833 Market Street, 10th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94103
To review our Privacy Policy.
The email address for you is knf100@gmail.com
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