Friday, October 26, 2012

Keep your SF Bicycle Coalition membership rolling

Dear Kevin,

In the last year, we've made great strides propelling San Francisco toward becoming a world-class bicycling city. Thank you!


Before your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition membership lapses in just over a month, we'd like to invite you to take a moment now to renew your membership now at


Renewing your membership early will keep the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition staff focused on improving your ride, and your membership benefits and discounts won't miss a beat!


And, you'll never need to renew your membership again when you renew your membership today with a monthly gift of $10 or more. You'll be providing a dependable and cost-effective source of income to further our efforts, while allowing you to spread your contribution out over the course of the year. (And, we'll send you a new membership card each year.)


Here is what you can look forward to when you renew your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition membership now:

?       Helping secure the City's approval of a protected bikeway on three critical blocks of Fell and Oak Streets

?       Reimagining Polk and the Embarcadero, key routes for the America's Cup

?       More bike lanes around the city, from Bayshore to Cesar Chavez to Sloat!

We look forward to another great year with you, making bicycling in San Francisco even better! Please take a moment to renew your San Francisco Bicycle Coalition membership now.

Thank you in advance for your continued commitment to great streets and better biking.

See you in the bike lane,
Leah Shahum
Executive Director
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
833 Market Street, 10th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

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